jueves, 27 de mayo de 2010

Bring your partner to La Porra

As our friend Joe has pointed out, lawyers say that World Cup tournament will end many marriages. If you don't want this happen to you, we have the cure.

Bring your partner to La Porra!

Make her/him to feel excited about the tournament and include her/him in your decisions about the teams you're going to choose. Or even better, challenge her/him to create her/him own set of teams and pay 10 € to participate. Can you imagine the pleasure of watching the World Cup matches while competing with your partner in La Porra?

2 comentarios:

  1. This is a fantastic idea!! Curro, you may not realise this, but you have just reduced Spanish divorce rates for this summer of 2010 by 25%...well done mate!!

  2. Yes, this was the primary goal when creating La Porra, helping to keep couples together...


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